Bulk SMS

Bulk messaging is the dissemination of large numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile phone terminals. It is used by media companies, enterprises, banks and consumer brands for a variety of purposes including entertainment, enterprise and mobile marketing.

Promotional SMS Configured by default for all new accounts, promotional SMS is generally used for sending any offers or promotions to new and existing customers. Messages are sent to non-DND numbers and opt-in numbers (via myDND Manager) between 9 AM and 9 PM only.

Transactional SMS Transactional route can only be used for sending transactional SMS such as OTPs and alerts to your registered users. Messages can be sent 24×7 from your 6-character Sender ID(s). To configure a transactional route, create your account today and contact HERMES INFO SERV. No setup costs involved!

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Benefits of Bulk SMS marketing

Offers an efficient platform

With SMS marketing, it becomes easy for you to send messages to only a group of customers.

High conversion

Provides reliability

Delivers instantly

It is undoubtedly one of the best features that bulk SMS marketing offers.

High readability

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